Renew Your Mind ~ Refresh Your Spirit ~ Restore Your Purpose

Culturally Sensitive and Relevant Services

As a person of color I understand the historical and sociological contexts in which mental health issues occur, how cultural beliefs impact psychological functioning, the strengths that are present within a culture, and the challenges cultures face. As a therapist, I can be a part of your trusted community of supportive people who are committed to helping you achieve your goals.

Mental Health and the BIPOC Community

Although rates of mental illness in some BIPOC populations are sometimes comparable or slightly lower than the rates in the white population, BIPOC often experience a disproportionately high burden of disability from mental disorders

Black adults are 20 percent more likely to report serious psychological distress than adult Whites.

Native and Indigenous Americans report higher rates of post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol dependence than any other ethic/racial group.

Therapy and Faith

For some BIPOC, participation in therapy indicates being weakened in your faith. Some people are embarrassed that they don’t feel emotionally or psychologically well. The fact is, participation in therapy is a courageous act that takes faith and belief that hopeful change will come. In addition, the brain is a part of the body and sometimes needs to be healed. When it does, the brain needs the same level of attention that the rest of your body needs to heal. Your spirituality and faith belief can be incorporated into your therapy if you choose.

Why Choose Therapy?

Prioritize your mental health

Stress is real and even when our mind doesn’t acknowledge it; our body feels the impact of it. Even the best part of our lives which might be our family, friends, or career can cause stress as we try to balance competing demands. As BIPOC, we must keep deposits coming into our life and not become emotionally bankrupt. Therapy can be a positive deposit and can provide the support you need as you achieve life goals!

Know the psychological impact of threats and violence

We are seeing traumatic events unfold before our very eyes on social media and dealing with complex emotions. While many BIPOC want to stay involved, be informed, help work toward change, and advocate, we are at risk for experiencing secondary trauma because of what we see and the fear that it will happen again. Internalized stress and trauma can manifest through our body as depression, anxiety, headaches, intestinal problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, emotional eating, and overuse of substances. Participating in therapy is an effective way to assure you do not internalize the stress and trauma experienced.

Understand the impact of stigma

 We all need help at times. In addition to mental health, racism, oppression, microaggressions, the wage-gap in the workforce, barriers to secure housing, and poverty are just some of the arrows that are pointed and targeted toward Black and Brown people. Unfortunately, many BIPOC are hindered from receiving therapy due to stigmas that suggest that therapy is only for people who are weak and lack the internal or external resources to resolve their own problems.

We must work collectively to reduce stigma so people who would like to try therapy are encouraged to do it.

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

Take the steps to moving forward by scheduling a free 20 minute virtual meeting or phone call. We can make a plan together that fits your life and priorities. Let’s get started!


Choose to Participate in Therapy Services

If you choose to participate in therapy services, you will be scheduled for a 1 hour intake and assessment session. This will be the first step in identifying your needs and the therapeutic approach we will take to meet those needs.

Reach Your Goals

Let the future shine brighter when you realize the benefit of prioritizing your mental health needs. We will work together to gain the results you want, the confidence you need, and the knowledge to go forth with purpose and clarity.

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